A Simple Project Tracker - Setup

ASPT is designed to provide project tracking for small project teams. Team members can enter time spent, estimated remaining time and comments for each task. ASPT can also help users to improve their estimating skills by comparing their actual times to the original estimate that is maintained in the system.

NOTE: ASPT provides absolutely no security features! It assumes an environment of trust.


These instructions are based on using an apache web server running under Linux. Even with this combination there are many possible variations to the specific locations and commands used to get the application installed successfully. Just follow these steps, using values suitable for your own site's configuration.
If you are using a non-unix-like operating system then I'm sure you will be able to translate the concepts to your environment.

To install ASPT -

  1. This will create an ASPT-n.n directory containing the following files -
    A perl module containing common functions and variables.
    A template to use as the basis for implementations of the data interface.
    A module that implements the data interface using the perl File::Tie module.
    The Projects reference data edit page.
    The Tasks reference data edit page.
    The Users reference data edit page.
    The Assignments reference data edit page.
    The User Types reference data edit page.
    The Project report page.
    The login page. This is the entry point to the system. Users should link to this file.
    The user's Project Tracker data entry page.
    This help as a text file.
    This help as an html page.
    Help on using A Simple Project Tracker.
    The icon to display in the browser title area.
    The medium sized ASPT logo image. Used on the help pages.
    The small sized ASPT logo image. Used in the Project Tracker pages.
    A directory in which to store data :)
  2. Create a link called ASPT to the extracted directory in your cgi-bin directory.
    (Something like:
    cd /var/www/cgi-bin; ln -s ASPT-n.n ASPT
    should do the trick)

  3. Create a link to the cgi-bin/ASPT directory in your DocumentRoot directory. (This makes the help pages accessible)

  4. Note: The above assumes that your web server is configured to allow symbolic links to be followed from the cgi-bin and DocumentRoot directories (Options FollowSymLinks for apache). You may prefer to copy, move or rename the files instead.

  5. Set ownership and permissions on the ASPT/data directory so that your httpd process can create and write to files in it.
    (chown -R www-data:www-data /var/www/cgi-bin/ASPT/data works for me)

  6. Edit the $admin_name and $admin_email strings near the top of These set the mailto: link in the footer of the Project Tracker pages.
    You may also like to edit the $title and $version strings to customise the text of the main heading.

  7. Copyright(c) 2002-2006 - John Lemcke