ASTS allows a group of people to record the hours worked on a variety of Projects. Each Project can be divided into a number of different Tasks. There are global Projects and Tasks as well as personal Projects and Tasks for each user. Weekly reports by User or Project can also be generated.
NOTE: ASTS provides absolutely no security features! It assumes an environment of trust.
Enter your name and select the Starting Monday on the ASTS login page. The Starting Monday selector defaults to the most recent Monday and includes the previous three and the next three Mondays.
Click Login
to go to the main Data Entry
Enter your name and click Edit
to go to the Personal Projects and Tasks page.
Select the Starting Monday.
Click User Report
or Project Report
to generate
the required report.
Select existing Projects and Tasks from the menus in the first two
columns. These menus contain the items from your Personal Projects and Tasks
lists (if any have been created) followed by the global items.
To clear an entry select the blank option between your personal items and the
global items in the menu.
Enter new Projects and/or Tasks in the text fields in the last four rows of
the table. If you want to save these new entries for future use select the
Save New Projects/Tasks
toggle. The new items will be saved in
your Personal Projects and Tasks lists when you save the TimeSheet.
Enter the time spent on each task, and a note if required. If you only
want to enter a total for the week then the daily time fields may be left
blank and a figure entered in the Total
column. If there are no
values in the daily fields the total is not changed.
Click Reset
to undo all changes made since opening the
TimeSheet page.
Click Clear
to completely clear the TimeSheet.
Click Save
to save the TimeSheet (and new Projects or Tasks
if needed). This will also re-calculate the totals figures.
To enter data for a different week select the new Starting Monday from the
Change Date
list and click Load
. Note that any
unsaved changes for the current week will be lost.
Click Logout
to return to the Login page.
Your Personal Projects and Tasks are listed in the text areas, one item per line. Edit the contents as needed.
Click Save
to save your Personal Projects and Tasks.
Click Return
to return to the ASTS login page.
There are two reports available. Each shows data for a specified week.
The User Report
shows, for each user, the total time spent on
each Task within each Project and their total for the week.
The Project Report
shows, for each Project, the total time
spent on each Task and the total for the week.
Click Return
to return to the ASTS login page.
Copyright (c) 2002-2007; John Lemcke